Thanks to internet, today we are able to experiment with new ideas and try different ways of doing businesses faster than ever, while keeping learning alive simultaneously. I believe innovation could be commonplace in every organization/industry if we can manage to make our approach to problem solving more flexible and agile. And I think this is where concepts like design thinking and lean startup can help us: to quickly test new ideas by forming hypotheses and putting it to test asap with minimum amount of efforts (MVP or Prototyping) and using initial validation to find if idea is good and bad without constraining the scale of hypotheses.
I believe lots of problems in the world could easily be solved. If we could make our problem solving approach while working on solutions leaner, iterative, discovery oriented, keeping learning as a unit of progress, and focusing on customers and their actual needs rather than relying on fancy theories and beautiful business models that we tend to build in our offices before even any interaction with the customers people who will buy these products.
We definitely can’t predict the future, but if we adopt these learning based iterative approaches to solve our business challenges then odds of success could be exponentially improved.
#businessinnovation #designthinking #leanstartup #problemsolving #businessandmanagement #businessstrategy